


The (main) goal of Together for Life is to give aid locally in Kenya, specifically in the region Kisii.

This aid comes in the form of:

  • Pastoral care for local churches that teach the reformed doctrine. In particular, support for church leaders and church councils.
  • Providing an opportunity for orphans to obtain a professional qualification so that they can earn a living for themselves in the future.
  • Education on animal healthcare with the objective of increasing the local knowledge on animal welfare which will eventually lead to healthy cattle breeding. Healthy cattle produce more milk and more meat which will improve the financial situation.
  • Education on health, HIV/aids, family planning
  • Support for local building projects

For each objective the emphasis lies on the backing of existing projects and plans. We aim to give additional support thus not being the main sponsor. Also, we are a non-profit foundation. In our programmes we collaborate with the KIPRC